UMPC for something other than surfing

The first thing most of us will do, when we recieve our shiny new UMPC, is connect to our favorite flavor of 802.11 and go for a surf. What I came across two days ago prepared me for something else.

I was recently contacted by Gilad Grinbaum of G Innovations; I found his enthusiasm infectious and contagious enough to get me in the car and drive to the centre of Sydney. At his office I was greeted by fists full of cables, PCB, cameras, touchscreens and more – my type of place.

We spent a few hours together while he presented me with the world’s first IP (Internet Protocol) based home automation system, dubbed the Superna System. I was immediately impressed with the ease of use and fascinated with the implications for our space, Tablet PC.

Superna is the brainchild of Arik Vardi (one of the 4 who set up ICQ) and his brother Oded. They’ve put together an exquisite software package that enables the most flexible form of home automation I’ve ever experienced. When coupled with the Superna Controller (hardware that makes the cogs turn) it is an outstanding example of things to come.

Why phone me? I was contacted because it seems Superna sees UMPC as a vital player in the home automation space; I can confirm that they’ve placed orders for “eo” devices and are working on adjusting their software to suit 800x480.

The following video is a short demonstration (adhoc, as I would have liked another take but had no time) of Ultra Mobile PC as a device for something other than surfing the internet. I decided to post the video because Id like to see other bloggers post about Ultra Mobile PC as a functional device, not just a cool one.

For your enjoyment download video here!
Or watch it on!

  • Obviously I still do not have an Ultra Mobile PC so I used the UMPC Display Emulator for this display.
  • I recently used the emultaor in this video and this one.
  • The eo UMPC is available in Australia and New Zealand via Tegatech Australia, a Tablet PC specialist.

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